After Moses died, there might have been doubts about his successor, Joshua. Could he truly hear from God? Could he lead Israel to possess the Promised Land? But it soon became clear that Joshua was the right man.
As he stood before the Israelites, preparing to lead them across the Jordan, Joshua was “magnified” by God. This wasn’t the same as being popular or successful, or receiving awards or promotions. God was so pleased with Joshua that the people “stood in awe of him,” just as they had been in awe of Moses.
This level of blessing only comes from the sovereign hand of God. It doesn’t necessarily come to those who achieve fame and fortune, who have impressive resumes or receive the applause of the masses. This is a reward only given to those who please Him, obey Him, serve Him, and are faithful to His calling.
Many people spend their lives focused on the kinds of rewards they can receive from the world. In fact, Jesus warned that some may gain the whole world but, in the process, “forfeit their soul” (Mark 8:36). They may gain worldly riches, impress other people, receive the applause of the crowds, and experience short-term pleasures, but God wants us to realize that the only rewards that really matter are for lives that please Him.
Today, make sure you are putting God first in your life. Serve Him with your time, talent, and treasure. Invest in His Kingdom. Make it your goal that He may one day say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
The post Honored by God appeared first on Inspiration Ministries.